2009 m. balandžio 27 d., pirmadienis

MRU and university in Glasgow, England

Nowadays there are a lot of good universities where students can study psichology. Because of this variety there are some differences between studies, therefore I am going to compare psychology at Mykolas Romeris University and at university in Glasgow.

First of all,at MRU we study psychology in the faculty of Social policy. This faculty offers three first cycle degrees (Bachelor of Psychology, Bachelor of Social work, Bachelor of Law and Penitentiary Activities) and the same kind of Master’s degree.
At University of Glasgow, in the faculty of Behavioral sciences, it is possible to get also three first cycle degrees (Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), Bachelor of Arts (Education), Bachelor of Arts) and the same kind of Master’s degree.

The department of Psychology in the University of Glasgow consists of nine sections: perception and cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology, traffic psychology, neuropsychology, personality psychology, psychometrics and methodology, psychology of work, technology, and organizations and cognitive science.
The department of psychology in Mykolas Romeris University consists this sections: social psychology, psychology of business and psychology of law. However, in this University psychology as separate studies exists only for three years because of it there are not so many sections as in Glasgow's university.

Moreover, in both universities students can take a Master's degree only in Glasgow there are much more sections where you can specialize.

To conclude, there are many differences between these two universities but despite it students can get good education in both places.

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