2009 m. gegužės 14 d., ketvirtadienis

1) Writing a summary
It in not easy for mw to find the gists, what tense should be used and how long it should be. Also it takes time and concentration, for these reasions it was one of the most difficult task for me, but hopefully it is more easy for me then it was at the begining.

2) Performance in ESP vocabulary tests
The marks are quite good, I payed bigger attention to it this year then I did before, so I am happy about it.

3) Performance in class dictations
It was one of the most difficult task, for this reason I did not like it. On the other hand, it is very very useful practise which gave a lot of good aspects in learning.

4) Listening practice in class
It is always useful to do listening and i believe that in listening tests I will be quite good and I hope that in future we will practise listening more.

5) Listening to peer's power point presentations
One of the most interesting activities. I like it because you get a lot of new information, to learn how to behave in front of people, how to cope with stress and also can as questions.

6) Making power point presentations
It is hard task, you have to pay a lot of attention to it if you want to succeed.

7) Short talks one the ESP themes in class
It is very important because we do not have a lot of apportunities to communicate with people in ESP so it is very good practice.


According to the American Psychiatric Association, a phobia is an irrational and excesive fear of an object ar situation. In most cases, the phobia involves a sense of endangerment or a fear of harm, for egzample, those suffering from agoraphobia fear being trapped in a inescapable place or situation.

Indiviaduals with agorapphobia often experience exhibitanxiuos or fearful behaviors, experience anxiety about places or situations where escape may be difficult and may suffer panic-attacks. Common problem situation include traveling in a car, being on the bridge, in crowds.

Before diagnosis clinicians need to rule out other disorders and post traumatic stress dosirders.

Like many phobias, the fear of tornadoes and hurricans is often traced to a negative experience. Lilapsophobia may also be learned. If your parents, friends afraid of tornadoes anh hurricans, you may have picked up their fear.

Many people with Lilapsophobia find that the weather controls their lives. When a storm alarms hits, you may display unusual behavior. Manay people find that Lilapsophobia worsened by being alone.

To conclude, nowadays phobias are getting bigger and bigger place in our lives, so don't waste your time and if you are afraid of something try to treat it as soon as posible. Good luck.

2009 m. balandžio 27 d., pirmadienis

Learning languages

Today there hundred and even more languages all over the world. Even people who cannot speak have they own languages, moreover some human beings say that your knowledge depends on how much languages you know. So how to learn them?

First of all, professional lessons can give basic understing of language. It is quite possible to learn language by having these lessons, learning regulary and having some training.

Secondly, going abroad broads your knowledge about languages. You communicate with people all the time, you are surraunded by their native language so you can get the best training.

Finally, communicating with people who have other native language can give good results too.

To conclude, knowing languages can be the key of success so let's start learning!

Richard Wiseman's experiments

Richard Wiseman is one of the most known psychologists at this time. He is a professor of psychology in university of Hertfordshire in United Kingdom. Professor is known because of his experiments in deception, humor, luck and many more quirky areas.

One of his works is about lucky and unlucky people. Professor Wiseman tried to understand why some people are happy ant lucky without any talents. This research identifies four basic principles which use lucky people in order to make their lives better and create good future.

Another Professor Wiseman’s research was about names and surnames. In this research, tried to find how people’s names are related to their career choices, lifestyles and so on. He found out that people who are happy with their names achieve more than people who would like to change their names.

To conclude,R. Wiseman did fascinating research and gave a little bit more charm to psichology. Reading his jobs includes not only studing but also having good time.

MRU and university in Glasgow, England

Nowadays there are a lot of good universities where students can study psichology. Because of this variety there are some differences between studies, therefore I am going to compare psychology at Mykolas Romeris University and at university in Glasgow.

First of all,at MRU we study psychology in the faculty of Social policy. This faculty offers three first cycle degrees (Bachelor of Psychology, Bachelor of Social work, Bachelor of Law and Penitentiary Activities) and the same kind of Master’s degree.
At University of Glasgow, in the faculty of Behavioral sciences, it is possible to get also three first cycle degrees (Bachelor of Arts (Psychology), Bachelor of Arts (Education), Bachelor of Arts) and the same kind of Master’s degree.

The department of Psychology in the University of Glasgow consists of nine sections: perception and cognitive psychology, developmental psychology, clinical psychology, traffic psychology, neuropsychology, personality psychology, psychometrics and methodology, psychology of work, technology, and organizations and cognitive science.
The department of psychology in Mykolas Romeris University consists this sections: social psychology, psychology of business and psychology of law. However, in this University psychology as separate studies exists only for three years because of it there are not so many sections as in Glasgow's university.

Moreover, in both universities students can take a Master's degree only in Glasgow there are much more sections where you can specialize.

To conclude, there are many differences between these two universities but despite it students can get good education in both places.

2009 m. kovo 1 d., sekmadienis


Happiness is a state of mind or feeling such as satisfaction, pleasure, or joy. A variety of philosophical, religious, psychological and biological approaches have been taken to defining happiness and identifying its sources.

First of all,happiness can mean different things to different people. For one person, it may be being in a relationship, for someone else it may mean the feeling you have the ability to handle whatever life throws at you. For me happiness is something bigger than have money or one best friend, it is when we count kindness and have positive illusions, living with other people, do not compare ourselves with other, belief, love, passion to life and ,ofcorse, having positive thoughts. I could write a lot synonym what is happiness but I thing that the most important thing is how we accept everything and how we deal with it.

Some researchers found out that nationality, social position, politic, economy and health have big influence on happiness. They found out that lithuanians are one of the most unhappy people in the EU. Actually I agree with them but I thing that we should look a little bit deeper if we want to find what makes people happy.

I strongly believe that in future people will separate what is real happiness and will learn how to express it to the world. Maybe then lithuanians will be the happiest.