2008 m. gruodžio 16 d., antradienis

Self-assessment at ESP

1)Making power point presentations
The results of it were quite better than others, because it was one of the most interesting task. Also we had to introduce our jobs in front of everybody for that reasion we done it well.

2)Writing comprehension tests on modules in psychology
The marks aren't very good, maybe because i didn't payed attention as much as I should. On the other hand there were a lot of new information, definitions, explanations and to learn everything was hard.

3)Writing contributions to e – portfolio
At the begining it was quite difficult for me, I'm not a computer expert and i'm not very keen on working with it. Secondly, it was hard to cope with deadlines when the jobs should be done. I thought that it wasn't very important when i would do all my tasks, essence was to do it all in the end, but now i know that I was wrong.

4)Writing a summary
I didn't have a lot of experience of writing a summary so it wasn't easy to find the gists, what tense should be used and how long it should be. Also it takes time and concentration, for these reasions it was one of the most difficult task for me.

5)Impromptu speaking in the class
I got the best results of speaking. I like it very much because I have the base knowlodge of speaking so it isn't very complicated for me

6)Performance in listening practice
Sadly i didn't write listening test because I was ill

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