2008 m. gruodžio 16 d., antradienis

Self-assessment at ESP

1)Making power point presentations
The results of it were quite better than others, because it was one of the most interesting task. Also we had to introduce our jobs in front of everybody for that reasion we done it well.

2)Writing comprehension tests on modules in psychology
The marks aren't very good, maybe because i didn't payed attention as much as I should. On the other hand there were a lot of new information, definitions, explanations and to learn everything was hard.

3)Writing contributions to e – portfolio
At the begining it was quite difficult for me, I'm not a computer expert and i'm not very keen on working with it. Secondly, it was hard to cope with deadlines when the jobs should be done. I thought that it wasn't very important when i would do all my tasks, essence was to do it all in the end, but now i know that I was wrong.

4)Writing a summary
I didn't have a lot of experience of writing a summary so it wasn't easy to find the gists, what tense should be used and how long it should be. Also it takes time and concentration, for these reasions it was one of the most difficult task for me.

5)Impromptu speaking in the class
I got the best results of speaking. I like it very much because I have the base knowlodge of speaking so it isn't very complicated for me

6)Performance in listening practice
Sadly i didn't write listening test because I was ill

2008 m. gruodžio 10 d., trečiadienis

Summary of three modules

Robert S. Feldman is a Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Massachusetts. Professor‘s book "Understanding Psychology" is oriented to learn, excite, inform students about the fields and expand their knowledge. This book is usuallly used at universities.

At the begging of this book there is an information about the history of psychology, well-known people who are important to psychology and some facts about this field.

In second module there is information about major approaches in the contemporary psychology.

Module 3 are about Psychology's key issues and controversies . There is some information about different fields of psychology and what is appropriate to them.

Feldman‘s writing informs shcolars about psychology and gives the mane perception of it.

Summary "Sleep and dreams"

Sleep is a reversible condition of reduced responsiveness usually associated with immobility, it is busy time to brain.

Sleep is divided in 4 different stages .The first one is the beginning of sleep and the fourth is the deepest stage of sleep. While sleep people fall in all this stage, sometimes repeatedly.

Another part of sleep is REM( rapid eye movement. Physiologically, certain neurons in the brain stem are particularly active during REM sleep, and are probably responsible for its occurrence.

There are some illnesses of sleep, for example, Insomnia, REM sleep behavior and etc., luckily these illnesses can be cured by drugs with no harm eventually.

To conclude, sleeping and dreaming is one of the most important thing for creatures, so disorders related with sleep must be analyzed as much as possible.