2008 m. lapkričio 23 d., sekmadienis

How to learn esp

Nowadays people have to cross very high requests, especially at studing. Scholars have to learn a lot of new information, to study hard subjects and to do difficult tasks. For these reasons it is becoming more and more complicated to learn ESP, what is one of the most important thing for good specialist. I'm telling this not without reason, it was noticed that learning new words and definitions takes long time and endeavour, to make it easier there were found some methods how to do that.

First of all, you have to change your life a little — do crazy things like talking to yourself in English or spending your evening reading a dictionary. In order to do these things, and do them regularly, you have to enjoy doing them. If you are like most learners and don't feel like doing these things, you will have to work on your motivation.

Secondly, example sentences are more important than definitions: if you want to improve your speaking/writing ability, read the example sentences in your dictionary. They show you how to use a word and they program your brain with correct English.

Moreover, if you want to avoid making mistakes you should study pronunciation (all the English sounds and at least basic English words) before you open your mouth and get lots of English sentences into your head (by reading and listening) before you open your mouth or write in English. To avoid mistakes, you need to follow good examples, also when you speak or write, be careful, slow, and use simple language.

To conclude, one of the most important thing for learning
english for special purposes is motivation. Strong resolution will keep you up going to the intention and some methods can make it much easier, so don't waste your time and good luck !

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