2009 m. gegužės 14 d., ketvirtadienis

1) Writing a summary
It in not easy for mw to find the gists, what tense should be used and how long it should be. Also it takes time and concentration, for these reasions it was one of the most difficult task for me, but hopefully it is more easy for me then it was at the begining.

2) Performance in ESP vocabulary tests
The marks are quite good, I payed bigger attention to it this year then I did before, so I am happy about it.

3) Performance in class dictations
It was one of the most difficult task, for this reason I did not like it. On the other hand, it is very very useful practise which gave a lot of good aspects in learning.

4) Listening practice in class
It is always useful to do listening and i believe that in listening tests I will be quite good and I hope that in future we will practise listening more.

5) Listening to peer's power point presentations
One of the most interesting activities. I like it because you get a lot of new information, to learn how to behave in front of people, how to cope with stress and also can as questions.

6) Making power point presentations
It is hard task, you have to pay a lot of attention to it if you want to succeed.

7) Short talks one the ESP themes in class
It is very important because we do not have a lot of apportunities to communicate with people in ESP so it is very good practice.


According to the American Psychiatric Association, a phobia is an irrational and excesive fear of an object ar situation. In most cases, the phobia involves a sense of endangerment or a fear of harm, for egzample, those suffering from agoraphobia fear being trapped in a inescapable place or situation.

Indiviaduals with agorapphobia often experience exhibitanxiuos or fearful behaviors, experience anxiety about places or situations where escape may be difficult and may suffer panic-attacks. Common problem situation include traveling in a car, being on the bridge, in crowds.

Before diagnosis clinicians need to rule out other disorders and post traumatic stress dosirders.

Like many phobias, the fear of tornadoes and hurricans is often traced to a negative experience. Lilapsophobia may also be learned. If your parents, friends afraid of tornadoes anh hurricans, you may have picked up their fear.

Many people with Lilapsophobia find that the weather controls their lives. When a storm alarms hits, you may display unusual behavior. Manay people find that Lilapsophobia worsened by being alone.

To conclude, nowadays phobias are getting bigger and bigger place in our lives, so don't waste your time and if you are afraid of something try to treat it as soon as posible. Good luck.