2008 m. spalio 1 d., trečiadienis

My future profession

Hello my Friends! I'm writing to inform you why I had chosen to study pshychology.

First of all, it is one of the most interesting subject in the all world. In Psychology you can find anything you want f.e. some facts about chemistry, human's behavior, thought, psyshe, a lot of explanations why this or that are happening.

Secondly, I want to be masterful, smart enough to control humankind, to have a big influence on everything and I think that psychology could give that.

Finally, Jesus told me to be psychologist.
Ok ok i have to be a little bit more seriuos, so as I sad in the beginning
psychology is very informative, useful and I think that this science will fill me the best, because of this psychology is my future profession.

Thank you for attention